Fathers Day Four Mile
Celebrate Father's Day weekend with us at the Father's Day Four Mile Run on Sunday, June 16! Run with your dad, your father in law, in honor or your dad or just run for the fun of it at this new event, benefiting an area charity to be announced. Participants in the Father's Day Four Mile will receive a participant shirt, finishers medal and will compete for age group and overall awards! All kids run participants will also receive a kids run shirt and medal!
Race Details
Sunday, June 16th, 2019
Start Time: 8AM
Packet Pickup:
Course Map: Coming Soon
Registration Fees:
Register online here or download an offline registration form here.
Thru 2/24
2/25- 4/28
4/29- 5/23
5/24 - 5/25

Awards will be given to the top overall male and female finishers as well as the top masters male and female finishers. Custom event medals will be awarded to the top three male and female finishers in the following age categories:
10 and under 25-29 45-49 65-69
11-14 30-34 50-54 70-74
15-19 35-39 55-59 75-79
20-24 40-44 60-64 80 and over
There are lots of ways to get involved as a volunteer for this fun event! Click on the link below to see the different volunteer positions that are available for you to sign up for!