Easter Egg 5k
Join us for what is always a family favorite, the Easter Egg 5K and Lil Bunny Kids Run, being held at Sedgwick County Park on Saturday, April 3 at 8am! Participants in the 5K will receive a custom race shirt and finishers medal and will compete for age group and overall awards! The Little Bunny Kids Run is open to kids 8 and under and will be run in waves by age, over distances from 50 to 200 years. Kids Run participants will also receive an event shirt and medal. Registrants can form a team of four or more and save on their registration fee.
Race Info:
Saturday, April 3 @ 8am
Sedgwick County Park
Entry fees 5K individual 5K team Lil Bunny Kids Run
Through 3/14 $28 $24 $10
3/15 - 4/1 $32 $28 $12
4/2- 4/3 $36 $32 $15
PLEASE NOTE: Race registration fees are not refundable for any reason
Packet pickup will be from 2-6pm on Friday, April 3 at the Nature Center (in the pavilion near the 29th and Woodlawn entrance). There will also be packet pickup on race morning at the race site from 7-7:45am.
The First United Methodist Church partners with Park and Washington Elementary Schools to provide coats, shoes, clothes, backpacks, mentors and tutors through their School Ministry Fund. Park and Washington Elementary Schools are two of the oldest schools in Wichita, serve free and reduced meals, and serve a diverse population. The School Ministry was partially funded by the community through the Mead’s Corner Coffee Shop tip jar until Mead’s Corner closed.
The top overall male and female finishers in the 5K and the 10K, the top masters male and female finishers in each race and the top male and female age group finishers in the following age groups will receive awards:
19 and under, 20-29, 30-39, 40
Participants in the 5K will run THIS COURSE and 10K participants will run two laps on the same course.